Charles has been in and out of prison three times. I can not believe that they would ever let that inconvenience to life out of prison in the first place, but finally, finally they sentence him to death and give him what he deserves. I was ecstatic to hear this information, the thought of Charles Darney being going, never having to see him again and have the remembrance of what happened to my sister and brother and how I was separated from them. It sometimes feel like I can not lose everything that I want is happening the nobles being killed, storming the Bastille and now Charles Darney will be out of existence. At first I thought about Lucie and how she must be feeling when I imagined Mr. Defarge being killed, but then I thought to hell with Lucie I will kill her and her daughter too. It is time to stop the existence of any person having to do with Charles. Though words can not describe how truly happy I am for Charles Darney’s life to end, I wish I could have killed the Bastard myself. The thought of stabbing my dagger into him watching him suffer then cutting off his head fills me with a sense of satisfaction and joy. Now that I am thinking about it my life will not be full without killing him. Hmmm… maybe I should arrange a way to kill him… if only?
Behind the Scenes of Madame Defarge
"At extermination" - Madame Defarge
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Storming of Bastille
This is everything I have worked for, I have arranged everything and now we are going to storm Bastille, free the imprisoned people and kill any person we can get our hands on. This is our time for revenge and to give back a little bit of what they have put us through. We will show them that we will not give up and we will win. While storming the Bastille I was filled with the feeling of power demanding the guard around telling them what to so and not the other way around was the best feeling I have ever felt. They are only worthless pigs that deserve nothing and I got the chance to take everything that was given to the, I got the chance to take their life. Hanging one o the guards over the wall and dragging him along the ground filled me with laughter and joy; and cutting off his head, nothing will top the feeling I felt then watching the blood spill out of him and being able to hold the head in the air victoriously to a screaming crowd of people that I have helped to bring happiness to. My people were so filled with passion that we destroyed Bastille with our bare hand, we can do anything and we will never stop until we win. Since then every day the only thing that I want to do is take them down, kill the nobles as they have killed us.
Clinton, Bill. "Google Image Result for Http:" Google. CNN, June 2010. Web. 09 Mar. 2011. < QrK3bT5akwng8FgaGwehmMGr3ls=&h=450&w=449&sz=63&hl=en&start=56&zoom=1&tbnid=vJFBNZcknJT3FM:&tbnh= 127&tbnw=127&ei=qNF3TcTyKZScsQOw0v3ABA&prev=/images?q=a+tale+of+two+cities+storming+the+bastille&start=40&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rlz=1R2ADRA_enUS346&tbs=isch:1&um=1&itbs=1>.
Lucie and Charles?
While I was at the wine shop John Barsat informed me that Lucie and Charles were getting married. This filled me with anger and sadness all at the same time. I like Lucie and Dr. Manette and do not want a reason to dislike them, but I can not look at them without getting a taste of bitterness in my mouth. They are a part of Charles now and a part of the hate that I will have for their entire family until I kill every last one of them. I will never forget the harm that the nobles did to my sister and caused me to separate from my family. Any person in relation to Charles Darney’s family will pay for what his father did.
So Lucie is no longer a person that is in my calling, she has become friends with the enemy and now she is the enemy. She is not what everyone thinks she is, sweet, innocent and caring, but she is really lying and selfish person that deserves to die along with everyone else. Lucie Manette and Charles Darney won’t know what hit them, I will no longer befriend Lucie Manette I will become her worst enemy.
The Wine Cask Breaks in the Street
The cask of wine breaks in the street and people immediately hover the wine soaking it up with rags and trying to get every drop of wine possible like seagulls on the beach. While I was watching this I thought, these people are so desperate for food that they will even scrounge for wine? What have these times come to is there any hope? Something needs to be done, this is not right. The nobility should pay for what they have done; no they should die for what they have done. If it’s the last thing I do, I will make these pigs pay for what they have done. I will make them eat the dirt off the ground in ragged clothing as they have forced the people to do. It is my duty and calling to help to hopeless people nobody else will so I will take it into my hands to do so. Starting with Doctor Manette, an innocent loyal man has been thrown into prison for something that he didn’t do. Doctor Manette is my husband’s master and therefore I should respect and offer him help as much as I can. It is hard for me to hold back my anger not only because he has his life taken away from spending it in prison, but that his life is ruined because of it and he will never be normal again, will he always make shoes?
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