"At extermination" - Madame Defarge

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Storming of Bastille

This is everything I have worked for, I have arranged everything and now we are going to storm Bastille, free the imprisoned people and kill any person we can get our hands on. This is our time for revenge and to give back a little bit of what they have put us through. We will show them that we will not give up and we will win. While storming the Bastille I was filled with the feeling of power demanding the guard around telling them what to so and not the other way around was the best feeling I have ever felt. They are only worthless pigs that deserve nothing and I got the chance to take everything that was given to the, I got the chance to take their life. Hanging one o the guards over the wall and dragging him along the ground filled me with laughter and joy; and cutting off his head, nothing will top the feeling I felt then watching the blood spill out of him and being able to hold the head in the air victoriously to a screaming crowd of people that I have helped to bring happiness to. My people were so filled with passion that we destroyed Bastille with our bare hand, we can do anything and we will never stop until we win. Since then every day the only thing that I want to do is take them down, kill the nobles as they have killed us.

Clinton, Bill. "Google Image Result for Http:https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgdTIsV-lFPASiYzLvbkvP0XH2yEM9c9JbjNlMZpGIu_U3akVhEcj4z4ysxQxwPgq4b0PDJShT6Q-QumqS8ARYZUojVBBoRcCbyehad4UBNfrMWFd1w5hDb13UjQlEiplV9i4zfKaB_TKzq/s1600/Bastille.jpg." Google. CNN, June 2010. Web. 09 Mar. 2011. <http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgdTIsV-lFPASiYzLvbkvP0XH2yEM9c9JbjNlMZpGIu_U3akVhEcj4z4ysxQxwPgq4b0PDJShT6Q-QumqS8ARYZUojVBBoRcCbyehad4UBNfrMWFd1w5hDb13UjQlEiplV9i4zfKaB_TKzq/s1600/Bastille.jpg&imgrefurl=http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com/2010_06_01_archive.html&usg=__ QrK3bT5akwng8FgaGwehmMGr3ls=&h=450&w=449&sz=63&hl=en&start=56&zoom=1&tbnid=vJFBNZcknJT3FM:&tbnh= 127&tbnw=127&ei=qNF3TcTyKZScsQOw0v3ABA&prev=/images?q=a+tale+of+two+cities+storming+the+bastille&start=40&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rlz=1R2ADRA_enUS346&tbs=isch:1&um=1&itbs=1>.

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